I'm a common sense, conservative Republican running for the South Dakota House of Representatives in District 24. We have a great thing going in South Dakota. As a father, business owner, and part-time cow hand, I know we need a focus on quality education and strong agriculture to keep our state great for generations to come.
I’m a common sense, conservative Republican. I believe in the ability of individuals and families to make decisions for themselves. I believe government’s role should be limited, but where government has a role, it should be efficient and effective. I believe strong communities promote accountability and positive behavior. I believe agriculture is our past and our future. I believe education is our greatest tool for upward mobility. I believe in civility and respect for all people. I believe South Dakota’s best days can still be head of us.
top issues
Quality, Affordable Education
Strong, Diversified Agriculture
Balanced Budget, Low Taxes
Local Control
Protect Constitutional Rights
Address Mental Health and Addiction